an expedition into egyptian hospitality – part 4: examining the findings

Looking back at the expedition I can say my findings probably don’t present a great surprise: every hotel in the world is different, different because of its location, infrastructure, staff, and atmosphere. Every hotel chain is different, too, defining its values differently, explaining its service culture differently and providing guest experiences differently. Are these differences notable?

Indeed they are but I don’t think one can say this one is best or that one. Actually, you can. Because equally every guest is different, with different travel purposes, different needs and different expectations, it’s who delivers best what you are looking for that matters. And that only you know so it’s up to you to decide which of the three above work best for you.

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Most importantly, however, with all three of the above hotels providing a wonderful experience, it’s the warm and friendly Egyptian hospitality you notice throughout, and that’s what counts.

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