Posts by category: Panamericana

of bulls and men

of bulls and men

Dating back as far as the 16th century, jaripeo is a type of rodeo popular throughout Central America. Often held as part of ferias patronales, festivals in honour of a town’s local saint, these fiestas bravas are the social highlight of many small town communities.

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favourite five: little corn island

favourite five: little corn island

This series is about my favourite five things to do in any given destination. Some are off the beaten track, some are a bit touristy, some will be difficult to replicate and some are not meant to be taken too seriously. They are what made my trip to that particular place an unforgettable experience, in no particular order.

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the luxury of having time

the luxury of having time

It’s been about a week since I last wore shoes, looked into a mirror, or checked the time. I don’t even remember exactly which day I got here. All I know is that the moment I got off the panga and set foot onto Little Corn Island, everything slowed down to the delightful pace called ‘island time’.

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cliff jumping

Local matador Eliazar cliff jumping the Montezuma waterfalls in Costa Rica.

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a conversation with veronika sicher, co-owner of Bella Aventura Costa Rica

a conversation with veronika sicher, co-owner of Bella Aventura Costa Rica

In this series I am catching up with hotel GMs, owners and suppliers. This time I sit down with Veronika Sicher de Cubero, co-owner of Costa Rican incoming agency Bella Aventura, a specialist in organising anything from a single adventure to bespoke trips and packages.

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favourite five: costa rica

favourite five: costa rica

This series is about my favourite five things to do in any given destination. Some are off the beaten track, some are a bit touristy, some will be difficult to replicate and some are not meant to be taken too seriously. They are what made my trip to that particular place an unforgettable experience, in no particular order.

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the little tapir

the little tapir

Joost Wilms is not a small man. He also does not look like a tapir. Still that’s the nickname the Colombian Andoke tribe gave him while living among them in the Amazon during a research stint on the endangered mammals: Dantica, Little Tapir. He carries the name with pride and when he opened his intimate lodge nestled high in the Costa Rican mountains, he named it just that: Dantica.

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